Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth national park is one of Uganda’s most visited game reserves. The park is famed by the rare tree climbing area in the Ishasha sector of the park. The park also doubles as a birder’s paradise with 610 bird species.

Queen Elizabeth National Park - Buffalo
Queen Elizabeth National Park – Buffalo

This bird list comprises every water bird in Uganda, 54 raptors, forest and woodland birds.

Marabou Stork
Marabou Stork

A cruise on the Kazinga channel exposes one to the bird and wildlife in the park. Queen Elizabeth has 95 mammal species the highest number ever recorded in any Ugandan park. These include 20 predators like the side stripped jackal, spotted hyena, lion and leopard. The antelope species are Defassa water buck, Uganda kob, topi, sitatunga and 4 species of duiker.


Forest elephant has been reported as present.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

10 primate species reside in the park and include: chimpanzees, L’hoests, blue, black and white colobus, vervet monkeys and olive baboons.

Colobus Monkey
Colobus Monkey

Activities in Queen Elizabeth National Park

  • Forest walk in Maramagambo forest
  • Cave exploration in Maramagambo forest
  • Game drives
  • birding
  • chimpanzee tracking in Kyambura gorge
  • launch cruise on Kazinga channel

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a protected area in southwestern Uganda that was established in 1952. The park covers an area of 1,978 square kilometers and is named after Queen Elizabeth II of England.

The park is known for its diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, hippos, buffalo, and various species of primates. It also boasts over 610 species of birds, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers.

There are several activities available to visitors, including game drives, boat cruises on the Kazinga Channel, chimpanzee tracking in the Kyambura Gorge, and guided nature walks.

In addition to its wildlife, the park features stunning landscapes, including crater lakes, savannah grasslands, and the Rwenzori Mountains.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is also home to a number of communities, including the Bakonzo and Banyaruguru tribes, who have lived in the area for generations. Visitors can learn about their culture and way of life through cultural tours and community visits.

Overall,the park is a must-see destination for anyone interested in wildlife and nature, as well as those who want to experience the culture of Uganda.

Queen Elizabeth National Park
Queen Elizabeth National Park
Queen Elizabeth National Park
Queen Elizabeth National Park
Queen Elizabeth National Park

Accomodation near or in the Park