Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola cristata)

The Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola cristata) is a stunning bird found in the forests of Central and West Africa. With its vibrant blue and green plumage, it is often considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world. This species holds significant cultural and ecological importance in its native habitats.

Dating back millions of years, the Great Blue Turaco has a long evolutionary history. Fossils of its ancestors have been found in Egypt, indicating its presence in Africa for thousands of years. Today, this bird plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of its ecosystems. As a key seed disperser, it helps regrow forests by spreading seeds through its droppings, contributing to the overall health and biodiversity of the region.

One of the main threats to the Great Blue Turaco is habitat loss. Deforestation and logging activities reduce its natural habitat, leaving this species vulnerable to population decline. In recent decades, the Great Blue Turaco has also faced an increased risk due to the illegal pet trade. Its captivating appearance makes it a target for capture and trade, leading to a decrease in wild populations.

To combat these issues, conservation efforts are being implemented. Local communities, governments, and organizations are working together to protect the habitats of the Great Blue Turaco and enforce laws against illegal trapping and trading. Additionally, raising awareness about the ecological significance and cultural value of this bird plays a crucial role in its preservation.

Despite its notable characteristics, the Great Blue Turaco’s population is declining. As of now, its conservation status is classified as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, continuous monitoring and further protective measures are required to ensure the long-term survival of this magnificent species.

Without appropriate measures, the future of the Great Blue Turaco remains uncertain. It is vital that efforts to safeguard its habitat and prevent illegal trade continue to grow, allowing this remarkable bird to thrive in the forests of Africa for generations to come.

What are the Characteristics of the Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola cristata)?

The Great Blue Turaco, scientifically known as Corythaeola cristata, is a magnificent bird species found in the tropical forests of Africa. This article will delve into the various characteristics that make this bird truly unique. From its vibrant blue plumage and striking crimson crest to its impressive size and distinctive vocalizations, the Great Blue Turaco stands out among its avian counterparts. Furthermore, we will explore its behaviors, habitat preferences, and ecological significance. Continue reading to gain a comprehensive understanding of the extraordinary Great Blue Turaco.

Answer to Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola cristata)

The Great Blue Turaco, scientifically known as Corythaeola cristata, is a species of bird found in the African rainforests. It is a large and colorful bird that belongs to the family Musophagidae, commonly referred to as turacos. The Great Blue Turaco is widely known for its vibrant plumage and unique crest on its head.

Distribution and Habitats of Great Blue Turaco

The Great Blue Turaco can be found in various countries across western and central Africa, including Nigeria, Cameroon, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola. It primarily inhabits the dense rainforests and adjacent wooded habitats within these regions.

These birds prefer to dwell in the canopy of the forests, where they can easily access the fruits and seeds that make up the majority of their diet. However, they are also known to venture into secondary growth forests and cultivated areas, especially if there is an abundance of fruit-bearing trees.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The Great Blue Turaco is a large bird, measuring around 70 centimeters (27 inches) in length, including its long tail feathers. It has a distinctive appearance with its bright blue plumage covering most of its body, except for the neck and chest, which are adorned with a vibrant yellow color. The wings exhibit a unique pattern, featuring red flight feathers and a striking green color on the upper wing coverts.

One of the most notable features of the Great Blue Turaco is its large crest, which extends from its forehead to the back of its head. The crest is composed of elongated green-tipped feathers, adding to the bird’s overall majestic appearance.

These birds are arboreal and spend a significant amount of time perched in the treetops. They are known for their strong and agile flight, often flying effortlessly through the dense forest canopies. Great Blue Turacos can be quite vocal, emitting loud and distinctive calls that serve as territorial displays and communication signals within their social groups.

Feeding and Reproduction

The diet of the Great Blue Turaco mainly consists of fruits, berries, and seeds. They have a specialized digestive system that allows them to efficiently extract nutrients from the fruits they consume. As they feed, they play an important role in seed dispersal, aiding in the regeneration of the forest ecosystem.

During the breeding season, which typically occurs between November and March, Great Blue Turacos form monogamous pairs. They construct large and sturdy nests made of sticks and vegetation high up in the trees. The female usually lays two eggs, which are incubated by both parents for approximately 29 to 30 days. Once hatched, the chicks are cared for by both parents and become independent after around 6 weeks.

Conservation Status and Threats

The Great Blue Turaco is currently classified as a species of least concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. However, the main threats to their population include habitat loss due to deforestation, illegal wildlife trade, and hunting for their feathers or meat in certain regions.

Efforts are being made to protect the habitats of these birds and regulate their trade through international agreements. Local conservation organizations are also working towards raising awareness among local communities about the importance of preserving the Great Blue Turaco and its habitat.

As of the latest assessment, the total population of the Great Blue Turaco is estimated to be around 500,000 individuals, but further studies are needed to obtain more accurate numbers.

FAQs about Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola cristata)

1. What is the scientific name of the Great Blue Turaco?

The scientific name of the Great Blue Turaco is Corythaeola cristata.

2. Where can the Great Blue Turaco be found?

The Great Blue Turaco is native to the forests of Central and West Africa, including countries like Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast.

3. What does the Great Blue Turaco look like?

The Great Blue Turaco is a large bird, measuring around 70 centimeters in length. It has vibrant blue feathers on its body and a large crest of feathers on its head. The wings are green with red flight feathers, and it has a long, brightly colored tail.

4. What does the Great Blue Turaco eat?

The Great Blue Turaco mainly feeds on fruits, berries, and seeds. It also consumes some small insects and leaves.

5. Does the Great Blue Turaco have any predators?

The Great Blue Turaco faces predation from birds of prey, such as raptors, and arboreal snakes.

6. Does the Great Blue Turaco migrate?

No, the Great Blue Turaco is a non-migratory bird species. It typically stays within its home range throughout the year.

7. How does the Great Blue Turaco communicate?

The Great Blue Turaco produces a variety of vocalizations, including loud calls and low coos. They use these calls for communication, territorial defense, and courting.

8. What is the lifespan of the Great Blue Turaco?

The Great Blue Turaco has an average lifespan of about 20 years in the wild, although some individuals have been known to live longer in captivity.

9. Are Great Blue Turacos endangered?

The Great Blue Turaco is currently classified as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, habitat loss and fragmentation pose a threat to their population in some areas.

10. Can Great Blue Turacos be kept as pets?

Great Blue Turacos require specialized care and a suitable habitat to thrive. They are not recommended as pets, as they have specific dietary and environmental needs that can be challenging to meet in a domestic setting.


Throughout this article, we delved into the fascinating world of the Great Blue Turaco (Corythaeola cristata). We learned that this majestic bird, native to the tropical rainforests of western and central Africa, is known for its vibrant blue and green plumage, impressive size, and distinctive crest.

One key insight we discovered was the significant role of the Great Blue Turaco in seed dispersal. Its large size and strong beak allow it to consume a variety of fruits, digesting the pulp and excreting the seeds intact, thus aiding in the regeneration of vegetation. Additionally, their unique vocalizations and crest displays serve as important forms of communication within their social groups.

Furthermore, we explored the breeding behavior of the Great Blue Turaco. We discovered that they form monogamous pairs and establish territories which they defend vigorously. Nesting in tree cavities, both parents participate in the incubation and care of their chicks. Through this article, we gained a greater understanding of the importance of conservation efforts in protecting the habitat of the Great Blue Turaco, as deforestation poses a threat to their population.

In conclusion, the Great Blue Turaco is a remarkable bird with its striking physical appearance, ecological role in seed dispersal, and complex breeding behaviors. Appreciating the uniqueness of this species and working towards its preservation will not only help maintain biodiversity but also ensure the long-term survival of this beautiful bird in the wild.